Day by day.

Do the best you can day by day.  Soon the Lord will call you home.  Who are the leaders of the world today?  Where are their blogs?  Does Vladamir Putin make daily posts to a blog?  How about Ho Chi Min?  Could you imagine Adolph Hitler sitting down each morning to write out a blog post for the people?  Well he should if he were alive today.  And what about all these gang leaders who are planning a hit?  Well they are certainly not going to sit down first thing in the morning and posth their thoughts to a  blog for all to read.  Today at 11 AM sharp I want Johnny and Sam to meet up with Norb and Stubby in the back alley behind Mike's Place bar and grill on the south side.  Make sure your guns are loaded and ready and go knock of Big Sal on the west side when he goes into Frankies to get his breakfast.

Well little old Doug Kenline is trying to do it.  Why?  It's  something to do.  I have to read the bible which I have been slacking on but I do get my radio preachin' listening to every night when I go to bed with Pastor Murray.  Right now he's going through 1 Kings.  I listen to the same tape over a few times before moving on to the next one and play them through in the order that they are written in the good book.  I need to get down to that museum of the bible they got downtown and see what the oldest printed words they got in there are and then start to study them.  Won't be long and I'll hear Merle Haggard singin' come home come home it's supper time.

So Thoreau says most men lead lives of quiet desparation.  Was he leading a  life of quiet desparation when he wrote those words?  Was  his  entire life from beginning to end a life of quiet desparation.  Am I living a life of quiet desparation?  What about Matt Furey and Nick Fullmer and all of the goo-roos that we watch here on this blog.  And most importantly, what does it all mean to me Doug Kenline?  I have spun up many blogs with many different names such as The Doug Kenline Newsletter blog and The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids blog and The Last Will and Testament of Doug Kenline blog and blog which was my first blog ever in my life back when blogs first came out.  Blogs were the kind of genesis of this social media thing that we have now and I was right in on it big time preaching against the IRS and the evils of communism.

Well God finally had to hit me upside the head with a two-by-four a good number of times to get me to come to my senses and He used Pastor Murray to help me along and Matt Furey too.  Not in the make money by writing emails game but in the become a super human fitness machine without spending a single penny game.  Physical fitnesss is a big factor as long as you are living in this world.  A pastor on the radio in the car going in to work the other day was talking about a woman who was a world champion diver in high school and college and she had a  diving accident and became a parapalegic.  Couldn't move her arms or legs for the rest of her life at a young age.  How he went to visit her and she was alive and otherwise very healthy and she liked to paint holding the paint brush in her mouth.  She had incredible faith in God and lived every day with a joyous heart and peace of mind waiting for the Lord to one day come and set her free in heaven.

So you are here to learn how to make lots of money you say and you have no interest in all of this  other stuff Doug so why are you wasting my time here at the goo-roo watch blog when all I want to do is to learn how to make lots of money and be free to go on an expensive cruise vacation for the rest of my life.  Well bear with me, it all ties in together thank you google artificial intelligence sentence completer I really appreciate that and like George W. Bush on September 11, 2001 it is an interesting day and I am the decider here.

I like King Randall I on twitter with his Life Preparatory School for Boys.  That would be the most fun thing to work on as long as you could pay the bills and keep everything going.  What a huge challenge he as taken on down there in red clay of southern Georgia.  Albany I think it is.  Not Albany, New York where Bob Shulz is living out the remainder of his days on Lake George.  George Washington talked much of parties and the differences between the North and the South in his farewell address.  Would George Washington have sat down and written out a blog post for the people every day if he would have had the internet?  Well I think he should have at least as long as he was in public service and when does a  man's public service end?  Interesting to me how some of these Pastors will put in thirty years of service and then retire.  Why would a  preacher ever retire?  

I don't think you will ever see Rodney Howard-Browne or Tony Spell retire.  George Washington seemingly retired but at the same time there he could have continued on until his death but he did'nt want the presidency of the united States of America to be like some king thing where there king is the king until he dies.  President Washington wanted it to be like it became because of him and other great leaders like him who thought the same way that the president should step aside and transfer the power while he is  still alive.  And thusly was established the thinking that two terms should be enough.  Give a man two terms and then let somebody else have the job.  Let the people decide who it should be.

Then comes the matter of it doesn't matter who votes or who they vote for, the only thing that matters is who counts the votes.  And thusly now we have this clown in there by the name of uncle Joe Biden.  Slow Joe.  Sleepy Joe.  Joe the Joke.  Unbelievable.

So it's going to come around to paying the bills.  Paying your taxes.  Paying for food, clothing, and shelter.  It comes around to the same thoughts of Henry David Thoreau writing back in the nineteenth century.  Still the same conundrum today in the twenty-first century.  How to live.  How to have a house to live in.  How to get food.  How to get clothes to wear and shoes on your feet.  Well today the clothes can be taken care of relatively cheaply compared to the taxes and the groceries.  And when you're just starting out in the money game, thrown into it unexpectedly after having been plied with nonsense and confusion and distraction through twelve years of public  education, and bing bang boom you're out in the world adulting and now you've got rent to pay.

The first thing a  kid learns when he leaves his Mom's basement is that rent is due on the first.  A couple of nights on the street and he'll be looking for a job to pay the somebody some rent so he can sleep indoors.  And even before that he's going to looking for some food before the day is even over and sleepy time comes around.

So he gets a  job.  In fact if he's lucky his parents will have kind of let him know over the course of his upbringing that he's going to need to get a job.  This is usually insinuated in the more fortunate families by talking about getting a college education so you can get a better job.  Although some would  argue for the vocations such as plumbing and welding and carpentry.  Yes all good but I would  rather work network engineering problems myself.

So I am working on a Cisco lab at work just for fun and to kill time during my four tens on the weekends acting as the Maytag repair man.  But if you promised the customer in writing on the signed contract twenty-four seven coverage then by God you better have a man sitting there twenty-four seven and that includes the weekends.  Now is this one man supposed to be an expert in all of these many technologies and design schemes that you have pushed out onto anybody who will sign a contract and buy them?  Apparently so.

So today  I will work on my home  church office and put in my ten hours at work and probably take a  name sometime between now and then.  And someday I may  be able to write about how I am  making more money than I know what to do with and how I  am  using it to do something useful or maybe I will just go on like this until the end and give whatever I have left over to whoever is there to take it.  And hopefully I will not run out and the world will not collapse between now and then.  I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.

God bless America.
