Every church has building plans.
Or at least some do. Does your church have building plans? I think the Denver Catholics on East Colfax Avenue down by the Colorado state capitol building had building plans back in the 19th century. But they have not had any building plans since as well there really could be no need for future building plans once you have completed the cathedral. But nay. The building plans should never end. What are the building plans of the Caholic church today?
The building plans of my church at the moment are to finish my library table, get a nice recliner, and one or more under desk sets of wooden storage drawers matching the ones I have. Also to get more bookcases one of which is on the way due to arrive in four weeks.
In parallel with these efforts I am working on my last will and testament folder. I would like to have my Dave Ramsey baby step seven businss structure sanded down more and more as time goes along. A will is not necessary for a brokerage account. And basically everything I own is in a brokerage account other than my car and my home. I'm sure I am not unlike many men more than liketly the majority of men. Some men live on the street, other men have much bigger homes than me, but all men have a net worth statement and a cash flow statement and live in whatever home they live in and drive whatever car they drive.
I have been blessed indeed and like the great Levin, Mark Levin likes to say, I'm not the poorest man in the world, although, compared to Mr. Levin I might be relatively small time player.
But regardless, whether your net worth is $1,000 or $100,000 or more, you need to work Dave Ramsey's baby steps in my humble opinion and these are not patented or invented by big Dave, his plan is just another way of saying the old common sense plan of don't spend more than you make and save as much as you can and invest whatever you can into something that ain't gonna disappear overnight or go down in value so far and so fast that it eventually becomes worthless if not a liability.
But I like an asset like a home. Like my home. I own a condo. There is overhead. I live here and pay the overhead for the rest of my life and when I die my designated heir will receive the keys and the property deed and all the necessary signed and notarized paperwork that will transfer complete and total ownership to that person is property ownership is still a thing then.
Then that person can either mail the keys to a local real estate agent and have them handle everything although there will be the matter of the contents of the residence which by that time should include a nice power recliner and a good hospital bed but probably they will just need to call 1-800-got-junk. But I might suggest that they pay a personal visit before doing anything to wipe down the cobwebbs and maybe check the desk drawers for any old coins or football cards that may be laying there and might be worth passing down to the next in line.
But as for me, oh what a blessing, thank you Lord, to be able to live in this beautiful and comfortable and nice and quiet home church office for the rest of my life. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Now my car, it will be a late model sedan. I don't know how long I'll drive the Accord before getting a new model but probably 50,000 miles at least and the way I drive that might take me through to the end. But there will be a section in my three-ring binder folder labels as car. In that section will be the title to the car, the insurance documentation, registration, and perhaps DMV records and copy of drivers license, everything that is needed to insure smooth and legal transfer to my designated heir. Upon my death they will be notified that they are now the ownder of a 2023 Honda Accord EX and it is parked in the driveway at 11804 Breton Court. The insurance is paid up for a year giving the heir one year to get rid of the thing. Should be as easy as calling 1-800-got-junk and have them give it to the local church. Or perhaps just designate the local church as the heir to the car. And maybe the local church as the heir to the home church office.
Yes now that I think about it, I am thinking maybe I will designate all cash and brokerage and liquid intangible monies to any heir that I might have who is not local and for any physical property such as car and home church office condo maybe bequeathe that to the local church. Now make sure the church has not slipped into Baal worship and that being the case maybe better to give to one of the kids even though they are not local and would need to fly to DC in order to come into the condo and get the silver coins and football cards and the keys to the car. Then maybe drive the car back to the ranch and park it in the barn.
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