Faith in God and cash flow.

Faith in God and cash flow.  The only two things you need in this world.  And you don't even need cash flow.  But it's nice to have and it allows you to help others who may be in need to the degree of your cash flow and net worth statements.  Seems to me this would be the mantra of any school that I might happen to be the dean of.  

Good morning kids let's stand for a word of prayer with Pastor Local Leader and say the pledge of allegiance to the united States of America with our hands on our hearts to the flag hanging prominantly at the front of the class room with no other flags of any kind in sight anywhere other than the state flag flying right next to the national flag.

Seems to have worked for a good long time and seems to have created the greatest country in the history of the world to my understanding.  Now sit down and start your studies.  I'll be walking around with a hickory stick.  Then after 30 minutes in the bible King James Version we hit English.  For 30 minutes.  Then  we hit math, for 30 minutes.  Then we take a break.  Boys and girls in separate classes.  Men teachers for the boys, woment teachers for the girls.

Make America Great Again.  Then I go down to the public polling station here in Reston, Virginia and vote for Matt Lang this time and Matt Lang and Donald Trump next time.  I like a man who has the courage to run for public office.  That right there along with preachin' is the top calling in the world but we also need doctors and lawyers and architechts and nurses and network engineers.  Do we need mail order goo-roos, and real estate goo-roos, and gold and silver and investing goo-roos?  

I'll bring that up the next time I'm on live TV with Dave Ramsey and Matt Furey for a roundtable discussion regarding the direction of society in general and the united States of America in particular.

And then when I'm coming home from the polls, I check my mailbox on the way up to the home church office and it's stuffed with bills that are coming due real quick like.  This included bills for the car I used to drive to the voting polls and to the grocery store and back and forth to work, bills for living in my home church office, bills for business operations and start up expenses, and bascially the list goes on and on until it stops.

But like Dave Ramsey will tell you.  You pile 'em all up on the desktop and get out some paper and a pencil and a calculator and you get to work.

Write down you cash flow.

Write down your bills.

Subtract your bills from your take home.

Hope to God you got enough left over to eat and pay the rent.

Now I've been there and I've done that and I didn't like the t-shirt.  But thanks to uncle Dave and my good close friend and wrestling coach Matt Furey and 60 years of hard livin', I'm not there now.  I like livin' free, and I like livin' easy, but livin' free and easy and now I  can't fnd that Waylong Jennings song.

No sir, and thank God, today when I subtract all of my bills from my take home pay I still got a big pile of green left over.  Not too much in this world that I've found that's better than a big pile of green.

But many of God's children are not in that same situation.  And welfare is not the answer although charity has long been the bedrock of Christianity.

So there is always the push and the pull, the yin and the yang for the kung fu fans, the left and the right, a little too much here, not enough there.

So then the school lets out at 2 PM just after a good healthy lunch like you can't imagine.  Steaks, potatoes, cold cuts, spread out like you play for Coach Prime in Colorado.  But catered in and served to you by alumnus.  Recently graduated young men who no work for the university and are paid quite handsomely for serving the young recruits.  Maybe in the range of millions of dollars per year.  Maybe volunteers.  Maybe served, yes this would be it, served by same age girls who are in the cooking and home economics class.  Holy shit what a school that would be.  The boys would be taught by the men to be looking for a wife and to plan on being married by 18 with kids and a home by 19 or 20 at the latest.

Lol. Well it seems the world is not a perfect place.  Only here on the blank sheet of paper with the written word can the world be molded around to however you would like it to be.  And even in prison a man can sit at his little desk and read a good book and be transported to another world for a few golden minutes with the Lord.

And all of this to say that cash flow is all that really matters, and faith in God and everything I just said.

So how's your cash flow?  Or how are you fixed for socks? as Pastor Murray like to say.  Better have dry socks or this is going to be a tough battle for you friend.

Better have some money in the bank boys.  But why would the school ever let them go out on their own why not serve in the marine corps until you retire with a nice big fat pension?  Well there are many good soldiers out there and a few fruitcakes and Pastor Murray might call them.  I don't think too many fruitcakes have won too many wars at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania May 10, 1963.
