How to use network engineering to generate a positive cash flow.

So my cash flow comes from a job.  And get a job is the only thing I've ever known in regards to cash flow.  And like many men it is all we will ever know.  Work the job, bank the paycheck, and repeat until able to stop if ever and that's not a bad life especially if you have a good job in fiber optic network transmission like I do.  Heck my life is just as good as Dave Schaeffer's live and at half the cost and worry.  I can't imagine what it would be like to be in his shoes at sixty-seven years of age.  I hope to still be working for him when I turn sixty-seven which is only seven years from now.

I'm going in to work now for my four tens over the weekend.  Not a bad deal actually.  Beats diggin' ditches in the rain by a long ways.  I like to say it's just like prison only a lot better.  And boy howdy there's probably a lot of young guys out there with nine kids and a wife who would like to be enjoying the positive cash flow that I am enjoying today.  Perhaps Matt Furey's cash flow has gone down is the reason he's kicking off his new marketing campaign.  He is like General Lee at antietem.  Or Grant or Sherman in Atlanta.

So in to the new car waiting out front and down the road to the new job in the new office building by the new train station to collect a  paycheck for cash flow purposes and to work my ongoing program of network engineering mastery.  How to use network engineering to generate a positive cash flow.  That will be the title of my next book.

Google cisco certifications and read every link that comes up and then read every link that all of those links link to then buy some books on ebay for ten dollars and memorize the books and take the tests and get the job and keep at it for thirty years and someday with a little luck and good Lord willing and the creek don't rise you could be just as good off as I am right here.  Praise the Lord and thank you Lord Jesus.

God bless America.
