In the meantime.
In the meantime I am here now. And someday I will be where Mom and Dad are. With Jesus in heaven. I hope. Lord forgive me of my sins and help me to write good words about you. Like David and Solomon and Jereboam and the malfactor on the cross behind Jesus, like the blind beggar in the street, here I am Lord. Let me be a good steward of the blessings you have bestowed upon me and work to build my cash flow and increase my giving and build my church.
I think every man is a church. Every man is a business. No man should be made to pay any income tax. The income tax is slavery and unjust taxation is what this country was founded on. It is the foundation of all freedom and liberty that a man keep what he earns and does not have it stolen from him by the government so that they then go and give it to other men's churches that are definitely in line with the word of God.
So I'm thinking now of a business structure. Should you go 501(c)3 or LLC or watch that guy on youtube some more talking about the attorney-be-gone button he wants to sell you. I like that attitude. I think he's dead right about building a solid defense. He's talking about disaster preparedness. They may have learned a thing or two about that on September 11, 2001. Welcome to the new century.
So this is the history that is taught. I would like to talk to some senior in high school about what they know about American history. I doubt that many could address the subject matter covered in Washington's farewell address or Webster's oration at the Bunker Hill Memorial occassion.
So right now I'm focused more on business structure. Which interweaves nicely and necessarily, or necessarily and luckily and blessedly for me nicely with the beatuiful physical home office facility on Breton Court in Reston, Virginia that the Lord has blessed me with today.
So it is de-facto that this is my home church office. Every man's home church is his home. And bigger churches get planted by bigger men, bigger in the money game for whatever that is worth but you might ask Andrew Wommack in Woodland Park up route 24 there about business structures and profit and loss statements and income taxes and so forth.
Ask Rodney Howard-Browne or Tony Spell or Chuck Baldwin or any of the big preachers. As Tom T. Hall. I know there's a lot of big preachers who know a lot more than I do but it could be that the good Lord likes a little pickin' too.
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