It's Time To Praise The Lord

It's always time to praise the Lord.  You never have to ask anybody what time it is because you know it's time to praise the Lord.  If you opened your eyes this morning it's time to praise the Lord.  If you are concious it's time to praise the Lord.

Now you never hear these words from my copyright coach Mr. Matthew Furecat Furey.  Which is fine with me.  I am not the judge.  And the preachers that I follow would not have lasted very long on the wrestling mat with Matt.  But does that make Matt right?  One thing about Mr. Caluliflower Ear Furecat is that he is a stiff necked stubborn man.  Perhaps even more stiff necked that the great Dan Gable himself.  Our mutual mentor Gary Halbert was stiff necked enough to have bags of cash sitting around in his living room and more coming in the mail every day.

So yes, as my readers know, the subject here as we are praising the Lord is cash flow.  And thank God for any cash flow that you may be enjoying this morning.  I think it is pretty obvious that the majority of men generate their cash flow via the good old paycheck.  Work for some organization for forty hours out of every one hundred sixty-eight that the good Lord gave you and you're done.  It's party time.  For some.  For others, and probably the majority here again as well, it's feed the kids and pay the mortgage and car payment.

Well if you got some left over after feeding the kids and making the car and mortgage and rent and taxes and groceries and well Matt, let's just call it the good old cost of living.

So Mr. Furey and myself both being sixty years of age and rapidly heading towards sixty-one and the six foot hole hoping to someday see sixty-six but preferring to make seventy-seven are today thinking about our newsletters.  

His is proven, established, time-tested, and true.  Mine is nothing.  Probably one person will not read this post ever.  Maybe one or two.  But perhaps more and more posthumously which is where all of the really great writers end up.  Matt says you can't call yourself and author until you make money I think he said or get published or whatever, he says you can be a writer by simply writing words whether anybody ever reads them or send you money for them or not.  But you can't be an author.

Well Matt maybe I'm fine with that.  What about all of the preachers who write for different reasons?

So Doug, Pastor Toney Spell has already told you, lead, follow, or get out of the way.  And you don't have to listen to him for very long to know who he follows.  And I follow the same, although him and me and brother Willie may not agree on every little thing when the fighting starts we're right there with Pastor Spell and Life Tabernacle Church.  Front and center.

Where were you Matt when the locked up Pastor Spell?

Where are any of us as they lock up Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Canada?

Sitting in my comfortable home and praising the Lord.

I could either send money or go there and volunteer time.  Or just sit here and write about it and don't send any money and don't volunteer any time outside of writing a couple of words about it and and then moving on to the farming and ranching pictures on twitter.

God bless America.
