Smart Gal

Now here is a smart woman.  I found her on the social media platform formerly known at Twitter.  What makes her so smart?  Among many other things she is a blogger.  Blogging was the first social media and it will be the last and it is the best.  If you really want to be a good leader in this world, in my humble opinion as Ultra Nuclear MAGA Mike likes to say, you should have a blog where you can go into much greater detail on your leadership ideas.  I mean could you imagine if George Washington or Robert E. Lee had had a blog.  Well, fact of the matter is, they did have the best thing before there were such a thing as the internet and blogs.  They had paper and pen.  Letters and books.

And even the Apostles had the written word.  I think there are no writings of Jesus.  As far as my understanding and level of knowledge it seems to me at this point in time that as far as I know Jesus never wrote a single word that was recorded and archived and kept in any place anywhere for the perusal of posterity but rather only spoke his words which were written in red by the Deciples.

God bless America.
