Travis the Goo-Roo
Some guy named Travis comes across my facebook feed today.
I've got to hand it to him. He's got a good goo-roo pitch. He's pitching the dream pretty good. Kids should be taught this for free. It would be a gamble for me or for anybody who takes the bait. Start out with $97 just to see how much he's asking for his goo-roo masterclass.
Well he says there's a money back guarantee so I guess if you got everything in writing and were prepared to take him to court to get your money back well maybe send him a check. Odds are he would refund the money if he says in writing that he will refund your money so that's what he says on the video but I would want to see it in writing maybe not for the $97 but definitely if he starts asking for thousands.
Well for $97 and a money back guarantee I'd almost have to be a fool not to send him $97 and check it out. I'll do some research and think about it.
Imagine if this guy was your friend and he said no problem buddy I'll give it to you for free and I'll work with you one on one to help you get it going. Well what's the difference between that and never having met him. He's saying the same thing for everybody except for the giving it to them for free part and for the payers he says money back guarantee. Could be a good little chapter to write about here at the goo-roo watch blog.
It would be kind of cool if you were a kid and you just showed up for class this morning and this was the class and your assignment was to look into this thing and see if you could make it work. Write a report on your findings and have it on the teacher's desk by the end of the day.
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