Ten Hours Closer
I am now ten hours closer to meeting Jesus. Wow what a day of rejoicing that will be. And I'm also ten hours closer to my next paycheck which is my cash flow plan. My plan is to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout laws. To keep myself physically fit, mentally away, and morally straight. Not always the easiest thing to do and we don't even want to talk about what's happening to the Boy Scouts of America today.
I need to get back to Canon City and look up my good Eagle Scout hero Jim Kaminski. He was also the big man on the wrestling mat. God bless you and your family big Jimbo. I think he did thirty years with the department of corrections. Sitting on a nice little piece of land down there off Dozier. Gettin' 'em a nice Love's Travel Center out east of town now.
So I keep that cash flow, the paycheck, the nine-to-five for as long as I'm able to do the job and for as long as they'll keep me on and always be working to do my dead level best to play whatever game they need me to play because everything I do is game. People say Doug, what do you think this is, some kind of a game? And I can only answer yes, I know that this is a game and you know it's a game the only thing is maybe you're afraid to admit it's a game and that's fine with me because to me that's all part of the game.
Now there are goo-roos aplenty out there who will tell me that bringing in a paycheck on a nine-to-five is no way to live. And there are a lot of homeless people out there who would say damn I wish I had such a nice life as you do there Mr. Rich Man North of Richmond. And I can't argue with either group. I can't argue with the goo-roo's and I can't argue with the homeless. Both are true in what they are saying.
To the homeless all I can say is get to a church and get yourself a bible and memorize it and turn your life over to God and get down on your knees and like my Dad always told me, count your blessings. Were you able to open your eyes and get out of bed this morning? Pastor Murray would tell you at that moment when you wake up in the morning and open your eyes and you thank God for those two presents and ask God what you can to do spread the Gospel and help those who are less fortunate and at that point you are the richest man in the world. Richer than all the sell their souls to the devil rich men north of Richmond.
Matt Furey tells a good story today on Youtube about a scary fishing trip he went on with his wife and kids down around Matamoras. Way out in the deep water. The crooked captain forgot to bring any life jackets. Sounds like it was quite and adventure. I like sitting in my office and typing on the keyboard and pretending I'm Ernest Hemmingway a lot better. I don't like the deep water. I could skip the Mexican fishing trips from here on out.
So it's cash flow, cash flow, cash flow, and only going into negative cash flow under the most dire of circumstances and hopefully good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, go to my grave without ever having a negative cash flow or anything less than a good solid positive cash flow ever again. Keep the pile intact and pass it on to the kids. Give as much as I can to good preachers and those less fortunate along the way. Read classic 19th century American literature in original copy or printed in the same era. Nothing better than a good old book off of ebay. The music takes me back to Tennessee.
God bless America.
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