The End of Jezebel
Incredible bible study this morning with Pastor Dennis Murray. 2 Kings 9. Jehu goes on a murder spree. Pastor Arnold Murray would say when you are studying the bible you can be sure of one thing and that is that you are not wasting your time. We are all headed toward the six foot hole and we hope our spirit goes up to be with Jesus or at least anybody who would rather not go to hell hopes that.
So in the meantime we have bills to pay. And that involves cash flow. I would say after believing in God and being able to open your eyes and get out of bed in the morning and get yourself dressed and get yourself a nice hot cup of coffee the next most important thing in your life is cash flow. Now some of you out there in reader land may have already solved this equation and some of you may have had it solved for you by your parents such as Bill Busch and the other Anheuser's. And I am very lucky in both regards having a good job and having worked the Dave Ramsey plan ever since I go re-born again. And I do not mock God and I know he has a sense of humor as well. So gettin' re-born again is ok with me for now but I'll have to watch that I'm not trying to con God because you cannot con God.
So probably he will look more at what you do with you cash flow. Or in other words the blessings He has bestowed upon you watching to see what you do with those two legs he gave you and those two arms that he gave you and those two eyes that he gave you. When judgement day comes he'll open up your book of life and look down on your record and then have a little talk with you about it. I'm hoping that my study of his word will get me a few points. And maybe I can make enough money to have some left over to give to the next in line and that might get me a few points. But I guess you better have enough points for a passing grade and that is the right thing to do.
So right now my cash flow comes in the form of a paycheck. And it is possible and probably even more likely than not that a paycheck will be the only cash flow I will ever be able to muster up in my lifetime. Not to say that is bad or unusual and probably is more common than not although there are quite a dang few independent business men out there and God bless them and I hope to find a good goo-roo coach to show me how to do the same.
But I know there are a good many men and women who only got a paycheck and ain't got nothin' else. No savin's ner nothing. Just that danged old paycheck and rent comin' due. Yea we see you out there. But at least your workin' that job and payin' that rent and gettin' some food for them kids. Better than letting it all fall apart and living on the streets. Problem is too much welfare starts makin' too many people who think welfare is the end all be all and then they start protesting for more and complaining that you ain't givin' 'em enough.
So that's the conundrum in the old world today but we as individuals can only look at our calendar and our daily and weekly schedules and try to do the best we can. One thing is for sure and that is that it don't matter who you are, God has given us all only twenty-four hours in a day. That's the really amazing thing to me. Time. I am developing a historical timeline from today on back to the beginning of time. It should be taught to all school children. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
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