What do you want to be when you grow up?

The first question on the chalkboard when the new kinderegarten class walks in the door for the first day of school.  The old timers had it right.  Maybe for a little while.  You can't raise your kids like a bunch of wild indians and expect them to run a civilized society or even win the indian wars except maybe once at Little Big Horn.  But then you got the rugged individualist like Daniel Boone, or Davy Crockett, or the gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson.

Imagine being a gonzo journalist straight outta Height Ashbury in 1966.  Rolling down route 66 in your '66 Ford Mustang convertible.  Well it's been done.  Is that what you want to be when you grow up?  Or is that a lost child who could otherwise be helping to build a church?

I like Pastor Erick's church in Africa.  Thoughts of actually going there in person might cross one's mind but my mind quickly snaps back to the united States of America.  And looking at the united States of America today one might think God help us all and could possibly conclude like Ted Shuttlesworth Junior that Jesus is the way the truth and the light.

Imagine all of the great writers of history, and count how many wrote on this very subject.  Well it could be that I am not reading the right writers.  I suppose number one would be the good book.  The book written by God himself and sent to you as a love letter from the father to the child.  Would not that be the first book to set on the desks of the kindergartners on their first day of class?

I guess I don't like to work unless it's sitting at a desk and hacking away on the keyboard.  They say Hemmingway liked to write his books while he was on the move.  Contstantly thinking up the next chapter while out on a large animal hunt or flying over the jungles of south America and Cuba or sailing on some seagoing vessle with no land in sight but only the north star to guide you and god help you if it became overcast and the deep seas began to swell mightily like only God can make them do.

The point being as this blog begins to drift off course from the main subject or perhaps drill in with laser focus on the main subject as a good preacher would do of talking about cash flow goo-roos is what I like to call them as they pitch the perfect answer for anybody who desparately needs more cash flow.  And there are many.  And they are still coming on to the internet in droves.  What is the odds that internet traffic will continue to grow?  That is what Dave Schaeffer is betting on.  So let's look at  the numbers.

And interestingly I've heard that his total bet is on Cisco although now having inherited many other vendors equipment with the subtle takeover of Sprint on the queen's gambit.  Now having increased his fiber optic mileage but also gaining much perhaps unwanted non-Cisco equipment.  

So Mr. Schaeffer will be gaining a lot of Juniper gear.  Will he keep it or let it go.  Might a man take all of his old Juniper gear off of his hands for next to nothing and start a rival with 100% bet on Juniper.  Well all bets are on and the highway never ends.

Globally, consumer IP traffic will grow 3-fold from 2017 to 2022, a compound annual growth rate of 27%. 

Globally, consumer IP traffic will reach 332.7 EB per month by 2022, the equivalent of 83 billion DVDs per month, or 114 million DVDs per hour. 

Globally, consumer IP traffic was 99.9 EB per month in 2017, the equivalent of 25 billion DVDs per month, or 34 million DVDs per hour. 

Global consumer IP traffic grew 31% in 2017. 

Global consumer IP traffic was 82% of total IP traffic in 2017, and will be 84% of total IP traffic by 2022.

You think old Dan ain't looking at this?  You might want to think again.  I think this is his entire business plan right here.  Starting from learning about SMR Special Mobile Radio spectrum allocations by the FCC and moving on to where the really big traffic flows on the terrestrial backbone, the sub-terranian seabed cables that are being laid out around the clock.  

I would rather not be on one of those cable barges far out at sea when the waves begin to swell and the clouds begin to darken.  I think I might not be the best deep sea sailor in the world.  You might ask the main goo-roo El Furecat about that.  He tells a story of a little family fishing trip down Mexico way with just them and the old drunk Mexican sea captain who forgot to bring any life jackets.  A good story and I got the message right away and may go back and listen to the rest of it someday before me and ol' Fure Cat bite the dust.

I think I have not heard Mr. Furey speak on the subject of religion and I would have to say that I believe that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  I can't go along with any other conclusion.  I would have to stand on the side of Pastor Arnold Murray if I have the strength to do so when the time comes.  So does Matthew believe in God?  Does it matter?  Would you enter into any business contract with anybody who professed that they don't believe in God.  The thought is ludicrous and lucifarien.  Jesus walked on the water and I know that it's true.

So true freedom would be the freedom to associate only with those who believe the same as you do.  And just like I have a contract with Dave Scheffer it is also more correctly legally speaking a contract with an employer namely Cogent Communications under the laws of the united States of America.  I have never read the contract although I signed it as I have signed every employment contract that I ever signed and never read for the entirety of my employment days.  Imagine your very first job ever.  Mine was shoveling dog dung in the veterinary kennels.  But there was no written contract there.  Same as between you and Jesus.  Well although that one would be the same there too and after you think about it you realize that it also is written and signed in blood.

For example, here is a black man teaching himself to read live online.

A good lesson for the kids.  Should the kids be allowed to go online.  It is an adult world now where there are no boundaries between the kids world online.  The kids have to learn how to hide from the adults online and indeed they do.  So yes, we need Jesus, and yes, I'm with Pastor Tony Spell on this one, All My Hope Is In Jesus.  Thank God my yesterday's gone.  All my sins are forgiven, 'cause I've been washed by the blood.

Yes I believe those closest to me in my ancestory would all agree although like myself there are likely many sinners amongst us and the man who says he is without sin is a liar, 1 John 1:10.

If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

So my hypothesis is that I am now free.  Or at least more free than I have ever been.  Although much older now but I don't feel so old.  Here I am out-writing many a young man.  So it all depends on what game you want to play.  Some old men are hard to beat in the game of chess.  There's one old man running for The White House here in town who they say is playing 3D chess.  So we'll see how it goes.

Others like Conspiracy Joey have other opinions.  Some say we will be attacked by space aliens.  Others say the earth is shaped like a ball.  What does the bible say?  I need to continue to fast and pray with brother Ted Shuttlesworth Junior.  He gave good props to Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne today and I'm sure that Artur Pawlowski is in their prayers although I sure hope they don't put him back in prison up there in the great white North.

So my premise is that I am now free.  Seems it comes down to geographical coordinates.  Unlike Hemingway I preffer to remain stationary.  And remaining stationary requires not moving.  I have set my geographical coordinates a total of seven times in my life now.  And I am making my final stand right where I sit today.  So that is settled.  And my office like Aberaham Lincoln's one room cabin is here.  Lincold moved to The White House and was shot and killed at Ford's theater across the street or so they say.  I just want to find a good preacher who is building a good church and try to help them or otherwise just keep giving to the one's I  like now being Shepherd's Chapel and Life Tabernacle in Baton Rouge although I need to work on my giving.  You can 't beat God giving no matter how you try.

Praying and fasting with brother Ted.  Reading and writing with Oliver Speaks.  Playing the guitar and working on songs  with brother Merle who is up in heaven now on Silver Wings.

God bless America.
