
It's just like school.

So it seems that we are changing as a civilization.  It seems there are noticable differences between the life that I am living, the society that I am living in, versus the times of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  I doubt that many American high school graduates could tell you much about George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. And if the home schoolers think they can compete against the government stolen tax money schools maybe we better think again. I could devote my life to helping home schoolers, or I could run for a position on the School Board.  I could go and talk to the school board and probably get put on some terrorist list like I just got taken off of by the IRS. Well God bless America, and like Flash Gordon, just a man, with a man's courage, I can only do what I can do.  I suppose whoever is reading this is in the same boat as me.  Now if you're just a man with $500 million dollars or your just a man with $500 might make a little bit of differen...

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My Way

I think there is not a  man alive, or a woman for that matter, although being a man I have a certain perspective, as do all men, and all women.  Today it seems there is some discussion on what even is a woman or a man or a boy or a girl.  I think it's probably the devil at work and what we're heading towards in all the confusion of many but not all is another force people to get vaccinated and wear masks and be locked down in their homes full frontal attack again for I guess what would seem to be the second assault. I think Pastor Tony Spell is prepared and worse comes to worse I may head south to Baton Rouge or maybe Tampa, Florida with Rodney Howard-Browne.  Colorado Springs has the Andrew Womack compound nearby up in the mountains of Woodland Park.  Canon City and Fremont County has Pastor Sean at the old roller skating rink.  Whatever happens will be fun to watch regardless for anybody who can maintain their faith in God or I shouldn't say fun but perha...

What do you want to be when you grow up?

The first question on the chalkboard when the new kinderegarten class walks in the door for the first day of school.  The old timers had it right.  Maybe for a little while.  You can't raise your kids like a bunch of wild indians and expect them to run a civilized society or even win the indian wars except maybe once at Little Big Horn.  But then you got the rugged individualist like Daniel Boone, or Davy Crockett, or the gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson. Imagine being a gonzo journalist straight outta Height Ashbury in 1966.  Rolling down route 66 in your '66 Ford Mustang convertible.  Well it's been done.  Is that what you want to be when you grow up?  Or is that a lost child who could otherwise be helping to build a church? I like Pastor Erick's church in Africa.  Thoughts of actually going there in person might cross one's mind but my mind quickly snaps back to the united States of America.  And looking at the united States of Americ...

Conservative vs Aggressive Investments

The opposite of conservative investing — which is sometimes also known as defensive investing — is aggressive investing. While conservative investing focuses on protecting capital and producing income in some cases, aggressive investing aims to earn the highest returns. For some investors, that means a growth-focused investment portfolio, which could consist of investments that have a higher risk but a higher potential for reward (i.e., high returns).

Get Mad At The Devil

You got to get mad at the devil.  You got to want to bust his head like a dang stray calf that just don't want to do what you want it to.  Get yourself a goddamn big ass truck and bust that dang calf's head! He'll go where you want him to go.  And do the same thing to that damn keyboard that don't want to spit out no words for you.  Get mad  at that dang ol' CCIE lab that don't want to fall down and give you the number.   I take full responsibility for my situation and also thank God for it.  I mean I haven't got the CCIE number even yet after twenty years of tryin'.  Well maybe fifteen years of trying.   I triggered a hard stop when Dad died.  It was a bunch of circumstances all coming together around the same time.  Went in to my ABS program.  Anything but study. Now did that do  me any good.  Maybe so, maybe not.  Do you want to be a PhD in microbiology?  Then go get your damn PhD in microbiolog...