
Showing posts from August, 2023

Tax Lien Code dot com Goo-Roo


My Way

I think there is not a  man alive, or a woman for that matter, although being a man I have a certain perspective, as do all men, and all women.  Today it seems there is some discussion on what even is a woman or a man or a boy or a girl.  I think it's probably the devil at work and what we're heading towards in all the confusion of many but not all is another force people to get vaccinated and wear masks and be locked down in their homes full frontal attack again for I guess what would seem to be the second assault. I think Pastor Tony Spell is prepared and worse comes to worse I may head south to Baton Rouge or maybe Tampa, Florida with Rodney Howard-Browne.  Colorado Springs has the Andrew Womack compound nearby up in the mountains of Woodland Park.  Canon City and Fremont County has Pastor Sean at the old roller skating rink.  Whatever happens will be fun to watch regardless for anybody who can maintain their faith in God or I shouldn't say fun but perha...

What do you want to be when you grow up?

The first question on the chalkboard when the new kinderegarten class walks in the door for the first day of school.  The old timers had it right.  Maybe for a little while.  You can't raise your kids like a bunch of wild indians and expect them to run a civilized society or even win the indian wars except maybe once at Little Big Horn.  But then you got the rugged individualist like Daniel Boone, or Davy Crockett, or the gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson. Imagine being a gonzo journalist straight outta Height Ashbury in 1966.  Rolling down route 66 in your '66 Ford Mustang convertible.  Well it's been done.  Is that what you want to be when you grow up?  Or is that a lost child who could otherwise be helping to build a church? I like Pastor Erick's church in Africa.  Thoughts of actually going there in person might cross one's mind but my mind quickly snaps back to the united States of America.  And looking at the united States of Americ...

Conservative vs Aggressive Investments

The opposite of conservative investing — which is sometimes also known as defensive investing — is aggressive investing. While conservative investing focuses on protecting capital and producing income in some cases, aggressive investing aims to earn the highest returns. For some investors, that means a growth-focused investment portfolio, which could consist of investments that have a higher risk but a higher potential for reward (i.e., high returns).

Get Mad At The Devil

You got to get mad at the devil.  You got to want to bust his head like a dang stray calf that just don't want to do what you want it to.  Get yourself a goddamn big ass truck and bust that dang calf's head! He'll go where you want him to go.  And do the same thing to that damn keyboard that don't want to spit out no words for you.  Get mad  at that dang ol' CCIE lab that don't want to fall down and give you the number.   I take full responsibility for my situation and also thank God for it.  I mean I haven't got the CCIE number even yet after twenty years of tryin'.  Well maybe fifteen years of trying.   I triggered a hard stop when Dad died.  It was a bunch of circumstances all coming together around the same time.  Went in to my ABS program.  Anything but study. Now did that do  me any good.  Maybe so, maybe not.  Do you want to be a PhD in microbiology?  Then go get your damn PhD in microbiolog...

Dave Ramsey Baby Steps

I would have to put the Dave Ramsey baby steps program as  kindergarten curriculum in my school of opportunity for underprivileged kids.  I like his ad on facebook where he says the path to financial peace is not sexy or cool it's just consistent working and saving for many years.  I think it's an age old tried and true plan and the kids should understand this and know this in kindergarten and go to work right there. Oh the broke adults will say let kids be kids and I'm all for being a kid in fact I think I'm still a kid today and I never did grow up.  Like Peter Pan in Never Never Land.  Or like John Cougar Mellencamp says growing up leads to growing old and then to dying.  But I haven't heard ol' Johnny Cougar talk to much about who you go to meet when you die and that sounds like the most fun anybody could possibly imagine to me. In the meantime there are bills to pay.  And I don't think George Washington would be to happy to see that the government...

Ten Hours Closer

Then hours closer to meeting Jesus.  Ten hours closer to my next paycheck.  I'm thinkin' stock options trading is what I'm going to start looking in to more.  First I'll work with a Dave Ramsey Smartvestor Pro and my two investment advisors and a CPA and a tax goo-roo and get my affairs in order and nailed down and ready to go with my last will and testament and funeral arrangements and long term care plans and pick me out a real nice and good nursing home. Once I get all that nailed down and sanded and finished up good with planned revisits once or twice a year and bring in a few more years of paychecks and get my operations down smooth then I think I'll start looking more into stock options trading.  Right now I like The Pirate Preston James.  I like his low monthly payment plan with option to cancel any time.  Can't hardly go wrong with that.

Buckaroo Girl

Quite an age we live in when you can make yourself a star without ever going to Hollywood.

Ten Hours Closer

I am now ten hours closer to meeting Jesus.  Wow what a day of rejoicing that will be.  And I'm also ten hours closer to my next paycheck which is my cash flow plan.  My plan is to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout laws.  To keep myself physically fit, mentally away, and morally straight.  Not always the easiest thing to do and we don't even want to talk about what's happening to the Boy Scouts of America today. I need to get back to Canon City and look up my good Eagle Scout hero Jim Kaminski.  He was also the big man on the wrestling mat.  God bless you and your family big Jimbo.  I think he did thirty years with the department of corrections.  Sitting on a nice little piece of land down there off Dozier.  Gettin' 'em a nice Love's Travel Center out east of town now. So I keep that cash flow, the paycheck, the nine-to-five for as long as  I'm able to do the job and for as long as they'll keep me on ...

Smart Gal

Now here is a smart woman.  I found her on the social media platform formerly known at Twitter.  What makes her so smart?  Among many other things she is a blogger.  Blogging was the first social media and it will be the last and it is the best.  If you really want to be a good leader in this world, in my humble opinion as Ultra Nuclear MAGA Mike likes to say, you should have a blog where you can go into much greater detail on your leadership ideas.  I mean could you imagine if George Washington or Robert E. Lee had had a blog.  Well, fact of the matter is, they did have the best thing before there were such a thing as the internet and blogs.  They had paper and pen.  Letters and books. And even the Apostles had the written word.  I think there are no writings of Jesus.  As far as my understanding and level of knowledge it seems to me at this point in time that as far as I know Jesus never wrote a single word that was recorded and a...

The End of Jezebel

Incredible bible study this morning with Pastor Dennis Murray.  2 Kings 9.  Jehu goes on a murder spree.  Pastor Arnold Murray would say when you are studying the bible you can be sure of one thing and that is that you are not wasting your time.  We are all headed toward the six foot hole and we hope our spirit goes up to be with Jesus or at least anybody who would rather not go to hell hopes that. So in the meantime we have bills to pay.  And that involves cash flow.  I would say after believing in God and being able to open your eyes and get out of bed in the morning and get yourself dressed and get yourself a nice hot cup of coffee the next most important thing in your life is cash flow.  Now some of you out there in reader land may have already solved this equation and some of you may have had it solved for you by your parents such as Bill Busch and the other Anheuser's.  And I am very lucky in both regards having a good job and having worked ...

Network Engineering

My cash flow is my job.  My job is my cash flow.  The same as the majority of men in this country.  I  like to focus on my home country.  Some men are not so lucky to have been born in the united States of America.  I guess that includes Puerto Rico now but not Cuba.  I guess things aren't so good in Cuba.  So being in the united States already, and a natural born united States citizen, and of healthy mind and body puts me in pretty good shape right there.  And I have enjoyed that status for sixty years although not always through the eyes of having faith in God and believing in God and knowing that all of this nonsense that is going on is of no concern to me as God is in charge as he always has been although I've had my days of lack of faith long ago but it must have been God's plan to get me to where I am now. I read about Ernest Hemmingway down in Cuba.  And I guess the CIA was watching him or something.  Sounds like he was quite...

Build Wealth and Give

Well folks, here we are, in the internet age.  Mom and Dad got to see it in the very early stages.  The saw how the computer worked it's way into the business and then the internet connection with the ability to log in to some university library and do research on various medical subjects that might come up from day to day.  What a miraculous story.  The Jack and Dona story.  And now the kids carry on.  How well will middle son do remains to be seen.  I'm hoping that I can be a good steward of my blessings and continue to follow God and Jesus and the bible and Dave Ramsey baby step 7 build wealth and give. What a miraculous thing God has done here on this earth and in this great county by giving us Ramsey Solutions.  Go ahead and brag but I don't think there are all that many men or women on this planet that can boast of the accomplishments of Dave Ramsey.  Talk him down all you want, in my school we teach the 7 baby steps.  Spiritual pe...

Time, money, pounds, and words.

Basically that's what it comes down to.  Time, money, pounds, and words.  I weighed-in at 176.6 pounds this morning and with it being a PTO Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off, I'm calling a legitimate and earned day off eat day.  Praise the Lord.  Thank you Lord Jesus.  All glory to God.  Amen.

And there you have it.

Done.  It's fun to be done.  Done with work for the week.  Four day weekend time.  And if I hold out on the fast I should be good for a fairly legitimate eat day payday Monday PTO day tomorrow starting anytime after 3 AM weigh-in.

Ten more hours to go.

Knock out my Sunday ten and I'm home free.  Thank you Lord Jesus.  And then I'll have the week off to work on my school of opportunity for underprivileged kids.  I had a good conversation with my buddy at work last night about why are we even working.  And about all the negatives of working for a company and all the negatives of the new company but really as I told my buddy I don't see too many negatives and I do see a lot of opportunity.  I like fiber optic telecommunication networks, dumb pipe as the old man calls them.  I think he's made a fortune out of selling dumb pipes.  And I've taken in quite a few paychecks from him myself already.   If I were to gete the new job in network planning it could be fun to become a master of dumb pipes.  My buddy says they are going to lay off all of the Sprint engineers as soon as one year is up.  He says that's all in the contracts with T-Mobile.  Says T-Mobile agreed to pay the big fat ...

Fasting to lose weight.

I once weighed in at 305 pounds.  This morning I weighed in at 179 pounds.  I'm thinking I might like to move the line down even further just for fun.  It seems easier for me to go with zero calories all day than it is to try to just eat a little bit.  If I eat just a little bit it's like an appetizer and then I eat just a little bit more and before you know it the wheels have fell off the wagon and I'm ordering a extra large supremo pizza from Santini's New York style deli.  So yesterday was a good fast day and today was a good fast day and I will try to eat just very little tomorrow on Sunday and perhaps Monday I will do a total blowout eat day.  We'll see how things go.

Another ten hours done.

Ten more hours tomorrow and I'm off for the week.  Thank you Lord Jesus for all of my blessings.  Some developments on a possible new job with the same company working on the physical layer of the network.  It sounds interesting to me and I had nothing to lose by applying for the position so we'll see how it goes.   Then I will do some more work on my home church business office and do some more research on a sideline business with the objective of finding a way to generate more cash flow and possibly replace my salary at work and good Lord willing and the creek don't rise maybe leave this world still having money in the bank to give to the next in line.

Network Engineering Cash Flow Plan

My number one plan.  Network engineering job.  And I thank God for it.  Got ten hours in yesterday and will get another ten in today.  Ten more tomorrow and then PTO day on Monday.  Then Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday off for my weekend.  Then a non-payday work week over weekend of 8/11 - 8/14 have to work that Monday 8/14.  The should get the next payday Monday 8/21 as PTO then we'll be quickly wrapping up the month of August and heading into September good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

The Markets

Now my mind is going back to the markets.  The stock market.  Versus the real estate market.  Yes I own a  home and my students would all have the horse before the cart and get your primary residence real estate bought and paid for before you do anything else.  See the Dave Ramsey baby steps and let me know when you get to baby step seven build wealth and give. Baby Step 7: Build wealth and give. Here's a link to help get you started if you're not there yet. So God has blessed me to be at baby step seven.  And at the young age of sixty years old.  There are may who go to the grave without ever seeing baby step seven. Now my only worries are who to give money to and how to build my wealth.  This is where it kind of seems to me that Dave kind of leaves you hanging.  Well as far as I can gather he says once you get to baby step seven you build wealth by continuing the same investment plan ...

Network Engineering

Getting into network engineering mode.  Will get in to work right on time, sit down, and get logged in.  Will check emails and ticket queue, read any news, talk to fellow network engineers and get ready for a ten hour shift of sitting on ready and jumping on any issues that come up like a hungry dog on a bone with just a little bit of gristle on it.


Today is payday and is the payday for my cash flow program.  I work a full-time job and I bring in a paycheck every other Friday.  That's my cash flow program.  And that has been my cash flow program for forty years and it's still my cash flow program today.  I'll work on improving my cash flow game and in the meantime I'll keep working the Dave Ramsey program and eating beans and rice.  I'm thinking payday Friday's might be good days for fasting.  We'll see how it goes at work today.

Travis the Goo-Roo

Some guy named Travis comes across my facebook feed today. He's asking for $97 up front to listen to his advetisement where he'll ask you for another couple of grand at least I'm sure. I've got to hand it to him.  He's got a good goo-roo pitch.  He's pitching the dream pretty good.  Kids should be taught this for free.  It would be a gamble for me or for anybody who takes the bait.  Start out with $97 just to see how much he's asking for his goo-roo masterclass. Well he says there's a money back guarantee so I guess if you got everything in writing and were prepared to take him to court to get your money back well maybe send him a check.  Odds are he would refund the money if he says in writing that he will refund your money so that's what he says on the video but I would want to see it in writing maybe not for the $97 but definitely if he starts asking for thousands. Well for $97 and a money back guarantee I'd almost h...

Cattle, silver, and gold.

Well I sat in on a planet Ron training video last night just before midnight.  Well yes I think it would work.  And like Ron says if you think it doesn't work you're an idiot.  Because so many people have proved that it works over and over again.  The big problem for most people is that it takes work.  Could everyone in the world be a pretty darn good guitar player?  Yea just about any able person with ten fingers or even eight fingers if you're Billy Joe Shaver could get to be a pretty good guitar player.  But it takes work.  And also desire.  The thing with the end game in the money game as opposed to the end game of being a pretty good guitar player is that the end game in the money game there's probably not too many people who wouldn't say heck yea I'll take a $20,000 per month positive cash flow!  Where do I sign up? But just like the end game in just about any game and every game is that it requires work to get there.  Now whe...

The Life of a Writer

I wonder what Merle Haggard's daily routine was like.  He probably hung out with Willie Nelson and Johnny Paycheck quite a bit.  Merle was a song writer.  And he could sing 'em too and play the guitar and fiddle to go along with it.  He probably didn't pay too much attention to how to make lots of money and cash flow goo-roos.  He did alright just doing what he did.  It says he left an estate worth around $5 million.  Not too shabby. Other great writers include Ernest Hemmingway, Mark Twain, and Jack London.  I guess Henry David Thoreau made quite a name for himself.  I like to pretend I'm living here on Walden Pond.  I've actually got it just as secluded and even have to do less work.  In fact the only work I have to do is to go into the Cogent office four times a week, or three times if I got a PTO day built up for a Monday day off, for ten hours per day.  And while I'm there all I have to do is to work on the phone and on th...

Ron Legrand

Well it looks like the name of the guy who's life was changed by J R Ewing is Ron Legrand.  I've probably seen him before but I've never made any effort to learn more about his program.  His J R Ewing ad on facebook caught my attention this time around and now I'm watching him get ready to play ping pong while he's talking about his course.  Seems it's the easiest way to make money the world has ever seen.  Same message as every single goo-roo on the internet and the thing is probably most of the plans actually work but like anything else actually requires work to make them work. Ol' Ron is quite the character.  Got some good white hair to show you he's been around for awhile too.  I'll start me a  Ron Legrand link list widget in the left hand column of this blog and go from there. Good solid presence on the interweb.  Facebook ad takes you here...

Gold Goo-Roo. youtube ad linked to here...

J R Ewing changed my life. March 12, 1982 J R Ewing changed his life. Real estate goo-roo. youtube ad linked to here..

First of month cash flow analysis.

Ok so it's the first day of the month of August 2023.  I done got my forty hours in over the weekend to insure my cash flow game.  The worst thing in the world besides lots of other things is to sit down at your desk on the first of the month and look at the bills piled up on your desk and have to wonder how you are going to pay them.  I am lucky thank you Lord Jesus that I know that I will be able to pay them with money that is already waiting for me there in my bank account.  Already earned, via positive cash flow living concepts, via working forty hours every week at my job.  So just like that the bills are paid  and I'm rolling towards another paycheck on this coming Friday.  That is the name of my cash flow game. In the meantime as the days keep flying by like the highline poles in some kind of a white line fever dream world, I continue to work on my home church business office.  I've got another stacking drawers project to put together and o...